Friday, February 25, 2011


I was selected as our schools representative to compete at InterCoiffure Rising Star competition at the Spring Symposium in Miami, Florida in April of this year. I am so excited to have this opportunity to sharpen my skills and learn from the elite hairdressers in the beauty industry!

Here's how the selection process went.
Three student from our school were selected as candidates but only one could go, so, our learning leaders and the dean of my school decided to have us each submit  a "Classic" cut, color and style along with our personal mission statement. They then voted on who they thought should go.

Here's my entry:

Through living my life with passion and love, I inspire and create. Excited to be a hairdresser, I consciously make an effort to further my knowledge and continuously grow. It is my personal endeavor to create magic, be a Daymaker, and give my guests what they crave!

Now the heat is on!!!

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